10 ways to make a bedroom feel like a luxury hotel 2023

You can make your bedroom feel like a luxury hotel by doing things like using freshly laundered bedding or arranging your furniture in the proper order. 

We consulted expert interior designers who have worked on hotel bedrooms all around the country to get their advice on how to transform a regular home bedroom into a luxurious hotel suite or the nicest ever guest room. 

You might enjoy a good night’s sleep after following their simplest advice for improving your hotel room.

Let’s get to know the many subtle points that can make our bedroom feel like a luxury hotel.

List of 10 ways that make a bedroom feel like a luxury hotel

List of 10 ways that make a bedroom feel like a luxury hotel
  • Customize the Sheets
  • Put the finishing touches on something lovely
  • Attain Relax by Selecting a Calm Color Scheme
  • Take Your Hotel Bed to the Next Level
  • Invest in high-quality bedding
  • Add some plush seating
  • Hang some eye-catching artwork
  • Place some greenery
  • Install some soft lighting
  • Add a few extra touches
  • Invest in a mattress topper 

Let’s get into the specifics of the discussion…

Customize the Sheets

The spacious, plush bed in the clean and comfortable hotel room is the finest part. 

Start with a modest makeover of your bed if you want to make the bedroom feel like a luxury hotel.

De la Cruz insists on making your bedding out of only the best, crispest cotton percale. 

Don’t worry about the thread count; instead, focus on the quality of the fabric and iron with some homemade linen sprayed with lavender or rose essential oils for an authentic night of luxurious sleep.

Put the finishing touches on something lovely

The tall windows of the Quirk Hotel, which are a holdover from when it was a department store, are easy to spot. 

The designers didn’t bother raising the floors but instead added steps and benches beneath the windows to highlight this one-of-a-kind feature and provide some interesting sight lines. 

The things that make your space special are its details, so make the most of them.

Attain Relax by Selecting a Calm Color Scheme

If you want to make your bedroom feel like a luxury hotel, then choose a restful color palette for the room.

When it comes to the bedroom, Easton says, “I truly believe that a neutral color palette contributes to a calm, serene feeling of the mind.”

In addition to the white paint on the walls, the furniture and accessories are also neutral, which helps guests relax and unwind.

Instead of using bright red sheets, try using blue or white for a more delicate take on the look at home.

Take Your Hotel Bed to the Next Level

If you really want to go all out, spray your linens with a reduced essential oil scent you love.

Aromas like lavender, grass, and wood are some of our favorites. You should try out different combinations of fragrances until you find one you like.

For the whole five-star treatment, finish off your bed by placing a bed scarf (or coverlet) at the foot of the bed in a contrasting hue or a color that matches your headboard.

Invest in high-quality bedding

Buying good bedding is a great way to make sure you are comfortable and get a good night’s sleep.

Look for bedding made from natural fabrics like cotton and linen, as they can help keep you cooler and more comfortable.

Be sure to check the thread count when shopping for sheets, and look for fabrics that are soft, breathable, and durable.

Additionally, look for blankets, quilts, and comforters that are machine washable and made of high-quality materials.

Add some plush seating

Consider adding some cozy and inviting seating options to your space.

Choose plush furniture pieces that are comfortable, stylish, and inviting.

Look for fabrics like velvet, faux fur, or chenille to create a luxurious feel. Add some soft pillows and blankets to complete the look.

Hang some eye-catching artwork

You can hang eye-catching artwork in your room by finding pieces that reflect your personality or style.

You can look online for artwork, visit second-hand stores, or even make something yourself.

Consider adding a few different pieces in different sizes and colors to achieve an interesting look.

You can also try using different textures, shapes, and materials to create a unique display. Have fun and be creative!

Place some greenery

One great way to add some greenery to a room is to get a few potted plants.

There are plenty of low-maintenance plants that will add some life and color to the room without requiring too much care.

You could also invest in some artificial plants, which look just as good and never need water or sunlight!

You can also hang some wall-mounted planters, which can be either real or artificial, to add some character to the room.

Install some soft lighting

There are a few different types of lighting you can choose from that will give you a beautiful and cozy atmosphere.

If you’re looking to save on energy costs, you can choose LED or CFL bulbs. For a more traditional look, you can go with incandescent bulbs.

Add a few extra touches

Adding a few extra touches to your room can make it more inviting and comfortable.

You could start by adding a cozy blanket to your bed, some pillows, or a small rug. You could also add some wall art, photos, or a scented candle.

Adding a few plants can also add a nice touch to the room.

Invest in a mattress topper 

Investing in a mattress topper is a great way to add an extra layer of comfort and support to your sleep experience.

Not only will it help to reduce pressure points, but it can also extend the life of your mattress.

There are many different types of mattress toppers available to choose from, so it is important to do your research and find the one that best suits your needs.



With a few simple design tips, you can make your bedroom look like it belongs in a luxury hotel.

Make sure to invest in high-quality linens and furnishings, use a neutral color palette, hang window treatments that complement the space,

Add cozy accent pieces like throw pillows, rugs, and artwork, and incorporate special touches like luxury amenities and a fragrant candle.

With a bit of effort and thought, you can transform your bedroom into a sophisticated and stylish oasis.

About Me

Here is Kiran Shazadi Furniture and Wooden Expert, with expertise in Home Decoration.

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